To all our racers. With all the rained out events of this year, we have re organised our Calendar to fit in the missed Autocross Rd 2 and Rd3. Please check the calendar for these rescheduled events. Our next event after this weekend will be on Saturday 10 September and will be Autocross Rd 2. It will be open for entries later this week. Regards Greg Woodbridge
To all who have entered the Autocross Rd 3 on Sunday 24 July, todays track inspection has given the great news that all is good for the event to proceed tommorrow.
Kind Regards
Greg Woodbridge
To All our Keen Racers who have entered our Autocross Rd 2 for tomorrow 3 July 2022. Wehave inspected the track this morning. With this very unusual weather, and having received over 30mm rain at the track in the last 24 hrs, with more forecast today, we are sad to advise that the track is very,very wet again, and there is no chance that we will be able to hold our race event tomorrow. Hence this event has been postponed yet again to a date to be advised. Our next event is an Autocross Rd 3 on 24 July 2022. Looking forward to seeing you all then. Regards Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers who have entered our Autocross Rd 2 tomorrow 5 June 2022. The weather has been against us yet again with the rain last night. Our track inspection today at 11am has shown that even with the sun and wind the track will not be dry enough to hold our event tomorrow. Sadly we will have to postpone again our Autocross Rd 2 to a date yet to be determined. Thank you for all your patience in these very trying times. Regards Greg Woodbridge and the organising Team.
To all our super keen racers who have entered our Autocross Rd 2 this Sunday 22 May 2022. Sadly the weather has been against us yet again. After our track inspection today, water is still running down pit lane and across the start pad. The rest of the track, and in/out fields are also still very very wet. And with the forecast over the next few days there is no chance of an event for us this weekend. We have postponed the Autocross Rd 2 to Sunday 5 June 2022. You will need to re-enter for this event once it is open for entry, hopefully within the next day or so. Looking forward to seeing you all then.
Greg Woodbridge
To all who have entered our Special Event- Drivers Challenge this Sunday 3 April 2022. With all the rain that has fallen this week, we will be conducting a track inspection tommorrow morning to then be able to determine a plan where we hope to be able to get the track repaired and prepared in time for Sunday. We will continue to keep you updated. Regards Greg Woodbridge
Hi to all our keen racers. Many areas of Ipswich, Brisbane, North Coast and South Coast have sustained major flood damage over the last 4 days. The Amberly/Willowbank precinct received over 570mm of rain over these 4 days. We have not been able to get out to the track to inspect it yet, but we believe that the track will have sustained significant damage. The infield will also be very, very wet and no doubt full of ducks. It will take many days for it to dry out before we can undertake any repair work, and unfortunately more showers and rain are forecast for the end of this week.
Hence, the IWMAC committee have made the hard but correct decision to postpone our planned Day Night Autocross for the 5 March 2022 to a date yet to be advised.
Please stay safe everyone.
Regards Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers who have entered our Open Sprint Round 1 tomorrow. There has been some rain at the track with the 2 storms that have been across the area this afternoon. From my inspection at 5pm, an updated report from our wonderful friends at Ipswich Switches Junior Motorcycle Speedway Club, looking at the current radar and the updated forecast we believe that we will still be able to run our event tomorrow. There may be a delayed start but please be ready for a drivers briefing at 8:30pm. See you tomorrow. Regards Greg Woodbridge.
The IWMAC wishes you a very Happy and Safe New Year for 2022
We need some extra assistants for Race Days.
Getting involved and helping out each other is as much a part of racing as driving is.
I know you’ll agree we enjoyed another successful season of racing in 2021 despite the challenges of the pandemic and weather. In case you didn’t know, it takes a team to prepare for and organise each event we have at the track. We arrive to a beautifully prepared track and see our faithful volunteers at the track on race days who enjoy seeing you having fun.
Prior to and on race days our Event Secretary Sam and regular assistant, Katie are responsible for the planning of the Event with duties which include coordinating all our paperwork including the Sup Regs and then ensuring its all completed and correct for all the Motorsport Australia requirements to enable the event to commence.
Don is our long serving Clerk of Course and would like to take a step back from the day to day running of the Clubs events. The Clerk of the Course’s job is to monitor and inspect the track to ensure it is safe and ready to race on throughout the day as well as being responsible for conducting the Event in accordance with the Supplementary Regulations.
We have the need/opportunity in 2022 to support the Club and our Event Secretary, Clerk of Course to ensure we can continue to run race days when they are on holidays or otherwise not available. These are Motorsport Australia trained roles which can take you to rewarding volunteering at Motorsport Australia run events across Australia. You can take on the training or just nominate yourself to help out on race day as an assistant. The training for either of these roles is an online course taking approx. 1 -1.5 hrs each and is accessible through your own Motorsport Aust profile under the Online training tab. Clerk of the Course training is the Bronze Event Command and the Event Secretary is the Bronze Event Administration.
If you’d like to offside for Sam or Don and help them on a race day, please email the committee at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or, if you know someone who might like to help out in this kind of role (a partner, a mate, a parent) and get involved in your race day, more than a spectator, let us know.
Yours in Motorsport
Greg Woodbridge
President IWMAC
Ph 0437 301 429
Happy New Year to all our keen racers . Our first event of this new year is a non competive event on Sunday 23 January 2022. It comprises of Novice Driver Training from 8am to 11 am and then a Come and Try from 11am to 4pm. This Come and Try is for people who have not attended IWMAC or Motorsport Australia Competition Events. So if you are new and interested in having a try, this is the event for you to get a taste of what our great Motorsport is all about. For any more information please contact Kevin Parkes Ph 0419 676 668 .
To all our keen racers who have entered for our Day Night Autocross this Saturday 4 December 2021. Again the weather has not been on our side. With all the rain the track has received this week so far, and the prediction for the remainder of the week, the track will not be anywhere near dry enough to run our event this Saturday. And again, we have had to make the sad, hard decision to cancel this Saturday’s race meeting BUT we will still be holding some very important activities during the afternoon and evening.
The afternoon will commence from 3:30pm with a bit of a show and shine so please bring your pride and joy for all to see. Then our AGM will commence at 5pm. Dinner will follow at 6pm. And then, the all important annual awards and trophy presentation will commence at 6:30pm.
Everyone is welcome so please help support your Club in what has been another difficult year. If you could please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for catering purposes, if attending the now new afternoons event.
To everyone who has paid for this Saturday’s cancelled race meeting, you will be contacted in the near future regarding your payment options.
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon.
Regards Greg and the IWMAC Team.
To all our keen racers who have entered our final event of the year on Saturday 4 December 2021, our day nighter autocross. We are doing a track inspection on Tuesday morning and the organising committee have a meeting Tuesday night to consider all options particularly with the weather forecast of the week. We are keeping our fingers and everything else crossed that we can run this great fun event, including our AGM and awards presentation. We will keep you updated as the week progresses.
Regards Greg Woodbridge
To All IWMAC Members.
We are holding our 2021 AGM on Sunday 14 November 2021 at 12 pm at the Club Rooms, Champions Way, Willowbank. This will be during the lunch break of our Autocross Rd 4 on the Sunday.
We will be complying with the Covid Rules at the time but it is anticipated the AGM will be held in the Club Rooms where social distancing can be maintained and all voting will be by a show of hands only.
We have been short several committee positions over the last few years so the Club is looking for a full committee to be able to build on and continue the great work that has been achieved so far.
IWMAC can not continue to run a successful Club with the current small band of dedicated volunteers. So please put your hand up to help fill all of the Committee positions. All positions become vacant as part of the AGM process. Please find attached a Committee Nomination form which must be completed and returned to the Club Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 12 November 2021. If you have any questions regarding any of the positions please contact me. Please also note that by our Club Constitution rules all members who nominate for any of the positions must be current financial members of IWMAC and the nominators must also be current financial members.
An Agenda is also attached.
Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM
Kind Regards
Greg Woodbridge
Ph 0437 301429
To all our keen racers who have entered for our Autocross Rd 4 this Sunday 17 Oct 2021. With over 80mm of rain since Tuesday this week and our track inspection this morning, we have had to make the sad, hard decision to postpone this Sunday’s event. The track is very wet with several corners holding 75mm deep water puddles. The in and out fields are very wet and sitting with over 150mm deep puddles, which even the ducks are enjoying. With the dry weather predicted, the track will not dry out enough by tomorrow to undertake track maintenance work in readiness for Sunday. Our next event is Autocross Rd 5 on 31 October 2021 and is already open for entries. If you have not already entered this event and wish to race in it, you will have to put in an entry on our system. To anyone who has paid for this Sunday’s postponed event, your payment can be used as a credit in the next event you enter. Cheers Greg Woodbridge
Hi All Avid Racers,
We have re-scheduled the postponed Autocross Round 4 to the already existing race date of Sunday 17 October 2021 and we have been succesful in getting a new date of Sunday 31 October 2021 for the final Autocross Round 5 of the year. Once we get approved documentation form Motorsport Australia we will open these events up for entries.
We are hoping to be able to undertake a half day novice driver training day on the Saturday 30 October 2021. More on this in the coming weeks.
Regards Greg Woodbridge
Hi All,
We are planning a working bee for next Saturday 9am to 3pm 18 September 2021 at the Club rooms. Our priority is to wash the ceilings and walls within the club rooms. Many years of dust and insects have been found on them. If we have enough people we will also clean the up and downstairs of the Control tower. Please let us know if you are free to help even if only for a few hours. A sausage sizzle will be provided for lunch. Cheers Greg Woodbridge
Cheers Greg.
To All Our Avid Participants of this Sunday’s 4 July 2021 event the Novice Driver Training and Come and Try Day.
The health and safety of all our participants, members and volunteers is of utmost importance to us. Hence with the unfolding Covid situation and lockdown currently in place in South East Qld, the IWMAC organising committee have made the hard decision to postpone this Sunday’s event to a future date yet to be advised. This has not been an easy decision to make but with a lot of other major events for this weekend having already been cancelled we thought that this is the correct decision to make.
All going well, our next event on 18 July 2021, Open Sprint Round 4 is still scheduled to go ahead.
Cheers Greg Woodbridge.
Hi All Racers who have entered our Open Sprint Round 2 on this Sunday 16 May 2021. Even after all the rain we have had over the last few days, we believe that the track will be dry enough and we will be able to get it ready for Sunday. We will make the final decision mid morning on Saturday.
Cheers Greg Woodbridge
To all our keen racers entered for our Autocross tomorrow. Sadly the weather has been against us again. With all the rain this week and this mornings track inspection, we have found the track still too wet to undertake any maintenance today. We have had to cancel our Autocross scheduled for tomorrow. Any prepaid entry fees will be able to be used as a credit for future events. Our AGM planned for tomorrow is postponed to our next event which is our Day Night Autocross on Saturday 4 December 2021. Get your entries in for this as it is our last event of the year including AGM, Annual Trophy Presentation and Dinner.
Regards Greg Woodbridge
Dear Members,
There has been some discussion around the vehicles that Juniors are allowed to drive during our Club's competition, re Auto Cross and Open Sprints etc. After much research and discussion within the Committee and with Motorsport Australia we the Committee have agreed to an amendment to the Current Junior A Class rules. Note! There is no Changes to the Current Junior Class.
No Changes to Current Junior Class: This is the preferred option for Juniors.
Note - as it is expected that Juniors are relatively inexperienced, our club’s preference for safety reasons is that Juniors are not to run 4WD/AWD, V8's or turbo/supercharged cars. To make way for all Juniors to participate in our sport Juniors wishing to compete in a car that is outside the current Junior (J) Class may nominate their car of choice.
If you have any concerns or wish to discuss these changes feel free to contact me any time.
Kevin Parkes VP
0419 676 668
Cheers Greg Woodbridge
Hi Avid Racers,
The farmers will be happy with the rain we have had here in Ipswich this week but we are a bit concerned regarding our Open Sprint Round 2 event this Sunday 21 March 2021. The IWMAC organising committee will be doing a track inspection on Friday morning the 19 March and making a call then on whether or not our event will go ahead on Sunday.
This Event has Been Postponed due to Wet Weather
Greg Woodbridge
08 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC Khanacross |
10 Sep 2024; 07:00PM - 10:00PM Committee Meeting |
17 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
18 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
19 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
20 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
21 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
22 Sep 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM Open Sprint Rd4 |
01 Oct 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |
02 Oct 2024; 08:00AM - 05:00PM IWMAC |